
Config file

After running twt for the first time, a config file will be generated at the following locations, depending on your OS:

  • Linux/MacOS: ~/.config/twt/config.toml
  • Windows: %appdata%\twt\config.toml

You can find the default configuration values here.


The most convenient way to get a Twitch token is to use Here is a quick link with the required scopes already enabled. Once generated copy the "ACCESS TOKEN".

If using other methods to generate the token, the scopes used by twt are: chat:read, chat:edit, channel:moderate, user:read:follows, and user:read:emotes.

Once you have a token, put oauth: at the start if it's not there already, then place it in one of two places:

  1. The token variable in the config.toml that was previously generated.
  2. The environment variable TWT_TOKEN.

The environment variable will be used first, even if a token exists in config.toml. If one doesn't exist there, your config token will be used.


Currently, only the graphics protocol for kitty is supported, so any other terminal without it won't be able to render emotes.

Enable the emotes by setting twitch_emotes, betterttv_emotes and/or seventv_emotes to true.

The emotes will be downloaded to ~/.cache/twt/ on Linux/MacOs and %appdata%\twt\cache\ on Windows.

Run it

Run twt in the terminal. For help, twt --help.